Matthew Parkinson Surveyors is a leading surveying firm offering a wide range of surveying services to clients in Dalton in Furness. Our team of highly skilled Surveyors provide a comprehensive range of residential and commercial building surveying services and have many years of experience working in the local area.
At Matthew Parkinson Surveyors, we provide comprehensive residential building surveys tailored to meet the needs of homeowners. Our surveys are designed to provide a detailed assessment of the condition of the property, highlighting any potential issues or concerns. With our expertise, you can make informed decisions about purchasing a property or making improvements.
In addition to RICS Homebuyer Surveys (Level 2 Surveys) and Building Survey Reports, we are also able to offer standalone Valuation Reports. Often required for a number of legal processes, such as probate or divorce, Valuation Reports involve a visit to the property and are well-researched and evidenced, proving peace of mind to the property owners.
Matthew Parkinson Surveyors also offers commercial building surveying services to ensure the structural integrity and longevity of commercial properties in Dalton in Furness. Our services include:
Condition Surveys: Our condition surveys assess the condition of a building and identify any potential issues or defects. We recommend a condition survey for properties that are being purchased or leased, or those that are in need of regular maintenance.
Schedule of Condition Reports: Our schedule of condition reports provide a written record of the condition of a property at a specific point in time. They can be used as evidence for legal purposes or to support a dilapidations defence.
Dilapidation Surveys: Our dilapidation surveys assess the condition of a property during or at the end of a lease to ensure compliance with lease agreements. Our team are able to support either landlords or tenants, representing their individual interests.
Our experienced team are also experienced in providing a wide range of Building Surveying Services, which can be explored here.
Matthew Parkinson Surveyors is experienced in providing land registration plans to meet legal requirements.
Our land registry compliant plans are prepared in accordance with the Land Registration Act.
Matthew Parkinson Surveyors offers a comprehensive range of residential and commercial building surveying services, including homebuyer’s surveys, building surveys, commercial property surveys, and land registration plans. With our expertise and attention to detail, you can trust us to provide you with accurate and impartial property surveying reports regarding your property in Dalton in Furness. Contact us today to discuss your project or to a arrange a quote.