Lea Hough & Co. LLP are committed to protecting and respecting the privacy of all our clients. This privacy notice relates to all data collected throughout our business activities setting out the lawful basis on which we collect and process personal data, detailing your rights regarding personal data, in compliance with the EU General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). Any information submitted by you will be used solely to provide the services that you have requested and for our own administrative purposes. Any information supplied will not be accessible to or supplied to any other user or to a third party unless required by law.

Who are Lea Hough & Co. LLP?

Lea Hough & Co. is a limited liability partnership (registration number OC306054) of Chartered Surveyors and Property Consultants whose registered office is 7 Ferry Road Office, Preston, PR2 2YH and who operate from two main offices, details of which are below.

Preston Office:
8 Eaton Avenue,
Matrix Office Park,
Buckshaw Village,
PR7 7NA.
Telephone: 01772 458866
Email: [email protected]

Blackburn Office:
Oakshaw House,
2 Capricorn Park,
Blakewater Road,
BB1 5QR.
Telephone: 01254 260196
Email: [email protected]

Website: www.leahough.co.uk

We also have smaller satellite offices at Fern Court Business Centre, Clitheroe and White Cross Business Park, Lancaster.

How do we collect information?

We collect information about you when we receive instructions to act on your behalf, you visit our website, sign up for property alerts via the website or enquire about the services that we provide. This information is stored securely on our central database, individual client files or secure cloud backup.

What information is collected?

Lea Hough & Co. will only collect personal data or personal information required to fulfil their obligations to Clients or in response to business enquiries.

This data may include:

  • Name
  • Trading name (if different)
  • Address – personal/business
  • Telephone numbers – landlines and mobiles
  • Email address
  • Solicitors/Accountants details
  • Company or Trust documentation
  • Other relevant information required to undertake the instruction
  • Personal and residential verification required for money laundering purposes
  • Bank account details for management clients and contractors to enable direct bank payments
  • Qualifications & insurance details for contracted resources


What is this information needed for?

  • To contact you
  • Undertake your instructions
  • Complete Conflict of interest checks
  • Comply with the Money Laundering Regulations 2017
  • Comply with professional organisations regulatory requirements
  • Share with regulatory authorities when required by law
  • Provide you with marketing information

Lea Hough & Co. do not gather any sensitive personal data and our services are not directed to children under the age of 13.

The legal basis for collecting personal data:

Lea Hough & Co. hold personal data on one or more of the following legal basis as defined in Article 6 of the General Data Protection Regulations.

  • Consent – you have given clear instructions for Lea Hough & Co. to control and process your personal data for a specific purpose
  • Contract – by accepting our terms of business we have a contract for which your personal data is necessary to process and complete your instruction
  • Legal obligation – legal or regulatory obligations
  • Legitimate interest – you would expect personal data to be held with compelling justification and minimal privacy impact

Some of the above grounds for processing your personal data will overlap and there may be several grounds
which justify our use of your personal information.

Access to the information:

This information is available to the Partners and employees of Lea Hough & Co. and will only be used as required to undertake the instructions for which the information was obtained.

Lea Hough & Co. will not sell, rent your personal data, or share it with third parties for marketing purposes, however, we may pass client information to third party service providers who have been engaged for the purpose of completing tasks and providing services on our behalf.

Only where there is a legal, financial or compliance requirement, will this information be submitted to a third party and personal data will be processed by and on behalf of the company. We will require third parties to comply strictly with your instructions and data protection laws making sure that appropriate controls are in place.

We take reasonable technical measures to protect against unauthorised access, modification or misuse of the data we hold to carry out your instructions. Our systems are password protected, backed up with router firewalls compliant with best practice and ongoing staff training.

Retention Period:

In the absence of any legal requirement, your personal data will be retained for as long as deemed necessary for the purpose of completing the instruction, undertaking conflict of interest checks or for legitimate purposes. Whilst you have the right to withdraw consent, for legal or legitimate purposes we are required to retain this information but will not use it for any other purpose. You need to inform Lea Hough & Co. if your personal data changes.

Data Storage and Security:

Lea Hough & Co. are committed to protecting all personal data stored on our in-house server secured and backed up by passwords, router firewalls, file encryption, server & client antivirus and Cloud Backup. All staff have received training on data protection procedures and accountability.

Lea Hough & Co. has a Data Protection Policy that includes a clear process for handling data breaches should one occur. Any data breaches discovered externally should be reported to Michael Harrison, the designated partner responsible for GDPR immediately.

You have the right to:

  • Update us and have any inaccuracies in your data corrected. If you would like to update the details we hold about you, please contact Michael Harrison, Partner, Lea Hough & Co., Oakshaw House, 2 Capricorn Park, Blakewater Road, Blackburn, Lancashire, BB1 5QR
  • Request a copy of the personal information we hold about you
  • Submit your request in writing to Michael Harrison, Partner, Lea Hough & Co., Oakshaw House, 2 Capricorn Park, Blakewater Road, Blackburn, Lancashire, BB1 5QR
  • We will respond requesting you complete a pro forma that details the proof of identity requirements, the reasons and case details where you believe Lea Hough & Co hold your personal data
  • Request that we erase your personal data unless we have a legal obligation to retain the personal data
  • Have the data we hold about you transferred to another organisation for legal or legitimate interests
  • Object to certain types of processing such as direct marketing
  • Object to automated processing, including profiling

Breach Conditions & Reporting:

  • In the unlikely event of a data breach, Lea Hough & Co has strict procedures in place to report this to customers, and the ICO within 72 hours of discovery.
  • If any data breach was caused by a staff member again we would report within 30 days and also find ways of limiting this type of breach again.
  • If we find any of our customers have experienced a data protection issue we would check if this has any impact on the data we hold for them or with them.

Rights to object or complain:

Please contact us if you have any enquiries arising from this privacy notice. Where possible, please raise all enquiries in writing.

If you are unhappy with our handling of your data or something that we have done or failed to do, please inform us in writing. We will acknowledge receipt of all complaints and will endeavour to investigate the complaint as soon as reasonably practicable.

All complaints should be sent to:
Michael Harrison B.Sc. (Hons) MRICS,
Lea Hough & Co. LLP
Designated GDPR Partner,
Oakshaw House,
2 Capricorn Park,
Blakewater Road,
BB1 5QR.
Telephone: 01254 260196
Email: [email protected]

You may also complain directly to the Information Commissioner’s Office if you are concerned with how we are handling your personal information. Their contact details are shown below:

Information Commissioner’s Office,
Wycliffe House,
Water Lane,
Tel: 0303 123 1113 or 01625 545745
Website: www.ico.gov.uk

This Privacy Notice was last reviewed in May 2018. The content of the policy may be reviewed and changed without prior notice, please visit our website for any changes. We may update the terms of this privacy notice at any time, so please do check it from time to time.

Michael Harrison B.Sc. (Hons) MRICS
Chartered Building Surveyor

Matthew Parkinson - Chartered Building Surveyor
c/o Lea Hough Chartered Surveyors,
White Cross Business Park,
South Road,
Telephone: 01524 899850
Matthew Parkinson is a Chartered Surveyor at Lea Hough & Co LLP, which is a Limited Liability Partnership registered in England and Wales under partnership number OC306054.
Registered Office: White Cross Business Park, South Road, Lancaster, Lancashire LA1 4X0