Schedule of Dilapidations

‘Dilapidations’ refers to breaches of lease covenants that relate to the condition of a property during the term of the tenancy or when the lease ends. Where a landlord deems breaches have been made, a Schedule of Dilapidations is served upon the tenant, usually followed by a dilapidations claim in the form of a monetary settlement.

Being involved in a dilapidations claim – whether as a landlord or a tenant of a commercial property – can involve significant sums of money. As such, taking professional advice from a Chartered Building Surveyor can prove invaluable. Matthew Parkinson is able to provide advice to both landlords and tenants on dilapidations claims.

Dilapidations Advice for Landlords

Due to their nature and size, commercial properties often require ongoing maintenance and repair work. Where tenants do not keep up with their obligations in this regard, the cost for addressing the work can mount up significantly. In order to preserve and protect their stake in the property, commercial landlords may need to prepare a Schedule of Dilapidations to assist them in serving a tenant with a dilapidations claim. Prepared by a qualified Building Surveyor, the report will include details of the tenant’s breaches to the lease, the remedial works and course of action needed, together with a detailed breakdown of the costs needed to bring the building back to its original condition.

It is possible to have a Schedule of Dilapidations prepared both during the term of the lease (Interim Schedule of Dilapidations) and when the end of the lease term is approaching (Terminal Schedule of Dilapidations).

Dilapidations Advice for Tenants

Where a tenant has received a dilapidations claim they feel is unfair or excessive, it can be possible to defend it. A Chartered Surveyor can assist a tenant by investigating the Schedule of Dilapidation that has been issued and preparing what’s known as a ‘Scott Schedule’. This is the tenant’s own assessment of the building’s condition and is used to negotiate down the liability due. Using this approach, it can be possible to save clients several thousands of pounds.

Using the professional services of our Chartered Surveyors during a dilapidations dispute will prove invaluable, with information and advice provided to help guide you through a claim.

Matthew Parkinson and his colleagues have several years of experience in the field of dilapidations and can act on your behalf throughout the negotiations, taking the strain of communicating with the other parties involved until a satisfactory conclusion is reached. In addition, Matthew can also assist with the planning and procurement of the repair and reinstatement works if required.

Contact Matthew Parkinson, Chartered Surveyor

Matthew Parkinson has over 20 years of professional experience. Having worked in Lancaster, Lancashire and the surrounding areas for the majority of his career, Matthew has an excellent reputation for his commercial surveying services.

If you are involved in a dilapidations claim and would like to speak to Matthew for initial advice, please get in touch.

Key Contact:
Matthew Parkinson
Partner - Chartered Building Surveyor and RICS Registered Valuer
01524 899850 / 01772 458866
Matthew Parkinsont

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Matthew Parkinson - Chartered Building Surveyor
c/o Lea Hough Chartered Surveyors,
White Cross Business Park,
South Road,
Telephone: 01524 899850
Matthew Parkinson is a Chartered Surveyor at Lea Hough & Co LLP, which is a Limited Liability Partnership registered in England and Wales under partnership number OC306054.
Registered Office: White Cross Business Park, South Road, Lancaster, Lancashire LA1 4X0